I Envision

  • Post category:Inspiration

I envision a world for you and for me
I envision a world for all humanity

A world of good
A world that’s safe
for every girl and boy
of every color, religion and race
a world without judgment, worry, or hate

I envision a world where we are not distracted or attractedto material thingsand instead we put firstall animals, humans, and living beingsA world no longer filled with waste
but motivated by the evolution of the human race

I envision a world where natural cures prevail over pills
and hugs and affection are more valuable than dollar bills
A world without starvation and poverty
where bank accounts are only emptied by generosity

I envision a world where conversations revolve
around all the things we love and enjoy
And we participate in life more hours then we are employed
A world where we treat every stranger
as we would a friend or a lover
And instead of criticizing and putting people down,
we always, always, lift each other

I envision a world where law is no longer needed
because we simply treat others the way We want to be treated
A world where we respond with love, not reaction
Being mindful of every thought, word, and action

I envision a world where we all come in first place
with humanity as a team, not an individual race
A world without competition or beating another
Where we work together, all sisters and brothers
A world working for the greater good in conscious unity 
Forging ahead in unison, one global community

I envision a world where every boy and girl are free to love,
Whomever they wish, and not be judged
A world where we are free to cry, feel, and express
Every emotion inside.
A world of peace, without killing and disease
where life only comes and goes
with compassion and ease

I envision a future so brightthat every dream is realized day and nightwe have come to our senses and ended the fight
not only with each other, but also the one inside

I envision this world right here, right now
and I invite you to join me, its easy, here’s how…

Put down your phones, step away from your screens.
Take a moment every hour to just sit and breathe.
Be grateful each day for the life you lead
Know your worth and realize your power, please.

Fuel your body with only natural thingsand take a moment every day, just to singIn moments of frustration, anger and sadnessknow that you are eternally loved
and never truly damaged

Step out of your houses, cubicles and boxes
Stop inebriating your senses with things that are toxic
Walk out onto the earth each day, and you’ll see
Life is an ongoing miracle for you and and for me
God did not create all of this to be witnessed as a tragedy.
Hold all of life precious
and take nothing for granted
Meditate, appreciate
and love both the joy and the sadness

Trust in your heart
Listen to your soul
YOU know what’s best
no matter what you are told

So take a moment to be present, here and now
Let this vision feel real, and it will manifest, if you allow

Always follow your dreams
and take it one moment at a time
because this world we envision…
It’s already yours and already mine.