Author & Writer, Artist & Designer, Awakener & Speaker

Greg Campisi is a local spiritual leader, author and writer, and an unstoppable creative spirit determined to make the world a better place. He is the founder and director of AWAKEN Center for Human Evolution, and owner of GC Design and Creation.

The following video is a truthful journey into the meaning of life, existence, and our experience…

All of reality is energy.
And we come to experience that energy.
And to experience energy, we have to feel it.
And to feel it and experience it, we have to pass through it, allowing it to pass though us, entangling with it.

When we don’t want to experience a certain energy, we create a barrier to that energy, blocking it off, cutting of the energetic flow, cutting off life force, and that stuck energy strangles and destroys life, just as a clogged artery cutting off blood flow to the heart will literally end a life.

Non-profit for mindful living and spiritual growth

Plymouth Meeting Mall, PA

Professional Print and Web Design

My Writing…

My Co-Creaton with my Step-Daughter…

The Newest Creation… Movie MisQuotes

A Fun New Movie Quote Card game available now!

The perfect gift for movie lovers. Click to learn more.

My Poetry, Meditations, and Art…

Original Abstract art and Photography

More Creations…